Pune division will soon emulate the Solapur model of barcoding system that aims to check illegal sand mining. The authorities will issue a barcoded slip to the driver ferrying sand and track the vehicle from the loading spot to the delivery point. The system will be followed in all districts in the division, which reports cases of illegal sand mining on a regular basis.
Pune Divisional Commissioner Prabhakar Deshmukh said such a system would help curtail all malpractices. "The Solapur model has been successful and the collector has been able to deliver results since the system was put in place. We should be able to replicate the same in all districts in the division," he said.
The Solapur model has a control room at the place where sand is loaded and the barcoded slips issued by it have all details of the drivers.
Solapur District Collector Dr Praveen Gedam, who has implemented the system, said he had been able to take action on illegal sand ferrying. "The system has worked well and things have streamlined. At least 598 cases have been registered against those deviating from the route — the highest in the state. Moreover, I have been able to achieve much more than my target for sand auction. In 2012-13, the revenue garnered was Rs 21.8 crore while this financial year I have been able to achieve Rs 78.08 crore, much more than my target of Rs 50 crore," said Gedam.
While Revenue Minister Balasaheb Thorat had proposed to have the tracking system at all toll plazas in the state to check illegal sand mining, the Solapur model has given route-wise mapping and can be entirely monitored by the control room. The barcode receipts will have an invoice number that will help track the driver better.
Even though stringent laws are in place to curb illegal sand mining, they are frequently violated. There have been allegations that workers from political parties intervene after a truck with illegally mined sand is caught by the police.
In Pune district, there were 435 cases of illegal sand mining and 573 cases of illegal transportation registered last year. Officials said the tracking system would be rolled out soon in the district.
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