Are Walmart & Carrefour Suppliers Sweatshops?
exporters say a special jobs scheme for young girls and women gives
them a livelihood. NGOs say the scheme is exploitative. In the middle
are western buyers who preach labour rights but don't always practice
them. Sriram Srinivasan unravels the issue and the stakes
isn't often that the biggest rivals in the world of retail—Walmart and
Carrefour—find themselves on the same side of a negotiations table.
That they did so one afternoon early last month at the old-wordly
headquarters of the Southern India Mills' Association, a body of
yarn-makers based in Coimbatore that accounts for half of India's yarn
exports, is a pointer to the heady challenge facing them and the mills.
Over the last year or so, the industry has been rocked by reports from
a European NGO alleging the use of bonded labour. India's textile
makers can ill-afford such a name, especially after the back-to-back
crises they have had to endure in recent years; neither can retailers
given the risk to reputation. Although not as glamorous as IT, textiles
has substantially filled the export coffers over the years. Today, the
members of the Tirupur Exporters' Association, another industry body,
account for exports of Rs 12,500 crore. The southern mills sell their
stuff in almost 130 countries. And, after agriculture, textiles is the
second-largest employment provider. The coming together of Indian
textile mills and western brands is the latest attempt to salvage the
situation, even as lawmakers in India and Europe seem to have taken
cognisance of the issue. The meeting, attended by the two retail
biggies as well as by representatives of C&A, Primex, GAP, and
three other brands, may help shape their collective response to this
controversy, which however shows no signs of dying down anytime soon.
That's because the NGO has indicated it isn't over yet. The RumblingsIt
all started in 2011, when the India Committee of the Netherlands (ICN),
an NGO, and the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations
(SOMO), both based in the Netherlands, published the first of their two
major reports alleging exploitation of young Dalit girls in the textile
belt of Tamil Nadu. The lead came from local NGOs and trade unions that
worked on this earlier. The Dutch report was specifically about four
companies: Bannari Amman, Eastman Exports, KPR Mill and SSM India. The
second report—an update—was published earlier this year. Its focus was
on an employment scheme that is popularly known as Sumangali. Central
to the scheme is the promise of a lumpsum at the end of a contract
period, typically three years. The
NGO report called the scheme exploitative and said it was "tantamount
to bonded labour". That's because, it said, it found evidence of salary
being withheld in order make up for the lumpsum. Not just that. It also
alleged that the mills were severely restricting the freedom of
movement for the girls and forcing them to work long hours (See
graphic: Employment or...). The response to the report caught the
industry off guard. In recent months, ICN and SOMO have reported,
questions about Sumangali have been raised by lawmakers in Spain and
the Netherlands, as well as in the European Parliament. For the world's
major brands, this presents a huge risk to their reputation.
Spokespersons of Marks & Spencer, as well as of Walmart and
Inditex, two companies that participated in that meeting with the
Southern India Mills' Association, say they have checked and have ruled
out the prevalence of such discriminatory practices among their Tamil
Nadu suppliers. Marks & Spencer also says it uses "third-party,
independent, highly trained auditors" to make such an assessment. For
the mills, the result has been a loss of orders and a troubling cloud
over their future, something they are publicly loath to admitting. But
Eastman, one of the four companies mentioned in the report, shared with
ET a letter it sent to ICN in March 2012, where it rebutted all charges
against it. Signed by its COO S Rajasekharan, it says: "We have lost
business because our names got mentioned in your earlier reports. These
reports scare away prospective customers as they fear their names
getting dragged by your agencies." Gerard Oonk, director of ICN, says
that isn't their intention. "Our adamant plea is that brands should not
withdraw but help to create better working conditions and wages," he
adds. "Quite a few brands still shy away from their responsibility." A 'Bad' WordAs
a result of all this, Sumangali, a Sanskrit word that's used in
day-to-day Tamil language to convey auspiciousness, is today
paradoxically a taboo word in these parts. Those in the industry would
rather use the word 'scheme' even to convey that they don't have
anything to do with Sumangalilike arrangements. This, even though
Sumangali per se cannot be a problem; only its misuse can be. The first
of such schemes was started nearly two decades back. But it's only in
recent years that it has taken off, as mills saw it as a rare chance to
control an input cost. Labour was already becoming scarce. Cotton
prices, which make up over 70% of the cost of making yarn, had by then
started making rapid, violent swings. The power situation was pathetic.
They have been able to do little about cotton and power. It was also an
ingenious idea that targeted girls, school drop-outs largely, around 15
years of age from the remotest parts of the state. The argument was
that, but for the work, they would be married off young. A lumpsum at
the end of a stint meant handy funds for the marriage. The 15-18
age-group is seen as a grey area by NGOs—the lower end of the age-range
just about steers clear of the child labour tag, while the higher end
is just about the age to enter into contracts. Mills are critical of
the NGO report, terming it an attempt to discredit the industry. K
Selvaraju, secretary general of the Southern India Mills' Association
says: "You have hundreds of success stories. Thousands of girls go for
higher education and have learnt many additional skills. So why aren't
they highlighted?" His point is: "The system is good. There could be
some flaws. But they are exceptions. And which system doesn't have
them?" Before all that, however, his question is: why Tamil Nadu and
why just Tirupur and the garment industry and, even there, why these
four companies? In fact, he says, he asked those big brands in the
meeting why they are mum about far bigger violations that get reported
from China and Bangladesh. And, he says, he got no convincing answer on
that. That particular question hurts the textile industry in Tamil Nadu
even more because Bangladesh has managed to snatch business away from
it in recent years. For the eastern neighbour, textile is the
bread-and-butter export earner. Its status as a least developed country
gives its garments duty-free entry into big markets such as Europe. And
with a relatively low cost of labour, the task is that much easier for
Bangladesh. ICN's Oonk, dismissing the charge, says: "There are
numerous other reports, including by the Clean Clothes Campaign (of
which it is a member), on the situation in China and Bangladesh. We
have not blown anything out of proportion." More To ComeAnd,
it may not be about just those four companies anymore. Oonk says: "We
think that the situation in the integrated companies, of which some of
them have started improvements, is in fact indicative of much wider
problems and may be even deeper in the spinning mills and garment
production in Tamil Nadu." That's precisely what ICN's partner on the
ground in Tirupur, the Tirupur People's Forum, is working on too. Its
convener A Aloysious says: "Now, I am concerned about the over 2,000
other mills in Tamil Nadu. Their employment patterns are changing to
the new method (Sumangali-like methods)." Aloysious and his team have
started compiling employment data in these mills. They are also
tracking recruitment ads of mills (complete with details of lumpsum
promises) in local media. On the day of his meeting with ET, a German
buyer, whom Aloysious won't name, had met him to understand the labour
issue. He believes 80% of the mills have stopped hiring locals because
they have to deal with more absenteeism and even collective bargaining.
But then the mills have also questioned the NGO report's factual
accuracy. In his letter to ICN, Eastman's Rajasekharan also says "It is
indeed very strange to us that you make reports on our production
facilities without verifying the facts." And that "you mention factory
names which do not even exist in our group." His letter also says: "On
the one side, you discredit all social audits conducted full year by
all the professional social audit agencies, but at the same time you
make conclusions based on your researchers talking to 48 workers
without verifying a single record in the factory." Eastman,
incidentally, was noted by ICN and SOMO as one company that has made
the most improvements to its labour policies (among the four) after
their first report. So what's the way to resolve this? During their
meeting with the mills' association last month, the brands had mooted
the idea of a common forum made up of mills, brands, the government,
trade unions, organisations such as the London-based Ethical Trading
Initiative and the Washington-based Fair Labour Association (both of
which have worked to bring stakeholders together on this issue over the
last year or so) and the NGOs. The Southern India Mills' Association
ticked every name except the NGOs. "What's the stake they (NGOs) have?"
asks Selvaraju. "There's a labour advisory board of the government,
which is taking care of the system. They have taken so many measures.
NGOs simply ignore the board." Ethical Trading Initiative's director
Peter McAllister, however, reckons having
NGOs on board will be important. He says: "It is understandable that an
individual business, or business association, may not view NGOs as
stakeholders. However, NGOs do have a wider role to play in the garment
and textiles sector of southern India. It is our experience that
credible NGOs and businesses can work together in mutually beneficial
ways." Untying the KnotYet, the situation is far from a
stalemate. After the public outbreak of the issue, the industry has
drafted a code of conduct on labour issues, which it is insisting their
members follow. Officially, Sumangali stands scrapped. The Tirupur
Exporters' Association has even floated a stakeholders' forum that has,
among others, NGOs on board too. Selvaraju says he told the brands:
"You take whatever feedback you have from the NGOs, I don't mind. Let's
come out with a common code. I have one. Let's hear from you what we
are missing. And we can discuss." More than two years ago, his
association with German certification firm TUV Rheinland started a
voluntary code of conduct certification for mills employing women.
(Interestingly, KPR Mills, one of the four textile companies that
figures in the NGO report, got the highest possible rating in that.)
Selvaraju says brands did ask for the certificate holders' names to be
put on the association's website. There are just about seven companies
in that list. If brands show interest in these ratings, it might just
force the mills to get themselves ready for certification. There's a
softer measure Selvaraju is working on—a short film, whose budget he
says "will be in crores" and which will be telecast on websites and in
private screenings. His association is also trying to rope in a German
firm for screenings overseas. "It will be independent. We won't
interfere." Employment or Exploitation?Indian
textile mills, western retailers and NGOs are trading charges on an
employment scheme, called Sumangli, that back-loads worker bene •ts and links it to a bond period 1 The Target Set Women and girls, aged 14-25 years, mostly unmarried Majority of workers are Dalits 2 The Promise Monthly wages of 900-3,500 Lumpsum at the end of a 3- or 5-year contract period; 30,000-56,000 for three years Comfortableaccommodation, three nutritious meals a day, and opportunities for training and schooling 3 The Salary Critique Lumpsum doesn't equal what a worker could earn if minimum wage for an apprentice is paid Workers forced to stay with a factory to get the lumpsum and often don't even receive it Many don't reach the 3- or 5-year mark as they fall sick due to the unhealthy and unsafe working conditions and the long working hours Sometimes workers are fired just before the end of the period, under some feeble pretext 4 The Other CritiquePromises not written down in a contract Prevalence of child labour Forced and excessive overwork Limited freedom of movement Occupational health and safety Physical and verbal harassment Not allowed to form trade unions 5 The Stakes SOUTHERN MILLS:Don't
want to lose western clients. Today the members of the Tirupur
Exporters' Association alone do exports of 12,500 crore a year WORKERS: Textiles is the secondlargest employment provider, after agriculture, in the South. They need jobs and dignity of labour WESTERN RETAILERS:The
likes of Walmart, Carrefour, C&A, Primex and GAP would like
supplier continuity without drawing bad press on labour-rights
violations Source: India Committee of the Netherlands, Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations Big Business, Bad Suppliers Walmart Workers in some
supplier companies in Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Nicaragua and
Swaziland were denied minimum wages and mandated healthcare, and were
forced to work overtime without compensation Apple This March, an
Apple-commissioned audit at Foxconn, a Taiwan-based supplier with a big
presence in China, documented violations like unpaid wages, excessive
overtime and low salaries Sports-Goods Majors A 2004 Oxfam report
said Adidas, Reebok, Nike and Puma were sourcing from companies whose
workers endured seven-day weeks, 16-18 hour days, sexual harassment of
women, and forced overtime without pay Nestle USA Its suppliers have
been accused of child labour, repression of worker rights, and
violation of national health and environmental laws. In 2006, the
International Labor Rights Fund and a Birmingham-based law fi rm filed
a class-action suit against Nestle and some of its suppliers on behalf
of former child slaves Source: Global Exchange, 'Most Wanted, Corporate Human Rights Violators, 2012', International Labour Rights Forum and web sources